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Centrum Advance 30s

product description:

Centrum Advance is a Balanced especially formulated with 31 Vitamins- Minerals and Micro-Nutrients. Centrum range is the world’s No 1 selling multivitamin. Centrum- with a natural form of lutein- helps to keep you feeling 100-. It supplements your diet and lifestyle by containing all the essential vitamins and minerals (27 in total) recommended on a daily basis. The stresses and strains of modern living sometimes make it very difficult to follow a balanced diet with all the right vitamins and minerals- let alone the right quantities. Taken daily- one Centrum tablet contains a comprehensive formula of vitamins and minerals- most of them at the recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) to complement your daily diet. Centrum is only intended to supplement your daily diet and not to be taken in place of food. 

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